Potomac Interceptor Rehabilitation Design-Build

In order to complete the rehabilitation of a badly dilapidated section of large-diameter sewer interceptor in Fairfax County, Virginia, Ulliman Schutte’s design-build team considered several options for both the repair itself and the temporary measures needed to maintain sewer service. The 78” pipe typically carries flows up to 95 MGD, with no alternate routing available. In order to complete the work with minimal risk, a new parallel pipe segment is being installed. A new energy dissipater to mitigate future corrosion.

The project is located within a well-utilized public park and trail alongside the Potomac River, necessitating a robust and comprehensive public outreach and engagement plan along with site security and safety measures.

  • Location: Washington, D.C.
  • Owner: DC Water
  • Engineer: Brown and Caldwell
  • Contract Value: $32M
  • Contract Awarded: 2020
  • Contract Type: Design-Build