
We Started with an Idea: Build Something Great

Ulliman Schutte Construction was founded in 1997 by Herb Schutte and Matt Ulliman – two friends who determined that they were good at building public infrastructure and that they enjoyed doing it together. From these humble beginnings, Herb and Matt shaped US to be who we are today: a company of creative and hard-working individuals who love Building a Better Environment®.

Laying a Strong Foundation

From the beginning, Herb and Matt established and exemplified a clear Mission and set of values for our company. These ideals – and the high standards that accompany them – have guided us to our current success, and continue to be foundational to everything we do.

Our Mission

At Ulliman Schutte, our mission is in our motto. We are Building a Better Environment® not only for the planet and the communities we serve, but also for our employees, customers, and business partners. This mission is apparent in everything we do – from providing innovative and long-lasting infrastructure solutions to ensuring that every employee enjoys a challenging and highly rewarding career.

Our Core Values

The core values of Ulliman Schutte are a direct reflection of the character of our people, and together provide a glimpse into our culture and foundational strengths:

Act with integrity. Be trustful and respectful in our relationships with our employees, clients, business partners, and the community.

Deliver excellence. Provide superior performance and quality – as measured by our clients, employees, and stakeholders – on our projects and in all that we do.

Eliminate risks. Plan and execute our projects with a relentless passion for total risk elimination each and every day.

Promote performance. We value people. As an organization of high performers, we identify potential, employ the highest talent, invest in our employees, and grow together.

Work together. We proactively develop and support teamwork and collaboration to produce outstanding results.

Building for the Future

As a company, we are always looking to raise the bar for ourselves. We will continue to grow and develop our mission-specific resources and industry-leading systems and processes, all while maintaining the personal approach to service that has led to our success. We look forward to safely and efficiently building meaningful projects for decades to come.

Building a Better Environment® – for good.

Learn more about how we are supporting critical infrastructure and protecting key water resources across the country.

Our Projects