Allen McCullough

A Regional Leader

Many of you might know Allen McCullough as one of our industry leaders on our DC projects – but did you know that he’s also an alum of The University of Alabama and a seven-time Ulliman Schutte co-op? (He also makes a mean BBQ sauce, but that’s a separate matter.) Al combines his passion for Bama and US by investing in students – in the video below, he shares a bit about what he’s learned in his 25 years with US and why we’re a great choice for those who are looking to Build a Better Environment®.

A Builder with a Big Heart

Al is regularly a fixture at our different community-focused events – from park clean-ups to Canstruction, Al embodies the Ulliman Schutte-attitude toward servant leadership.

Seeing the things that we build excites me every day. Being a part of an awesome team that is taking on the challenges involved in complex, important work is an incredible privilege.”